We care about the community! In pursuit to serve and help communities with top-notch services in the health sector, East Africa Medical Center offered a full day free medical check-up session on Saturday 13th May 2023 to the Somali community in Uganda.
According to Uganda’s Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), between 2008 and 2017 the number of registered Somali refugees in the country soared from 8239 to 41,234, with 43% of the total registered in Kampala and the rest in Nakivale refugee settlement.
On behalf of the Somali community, Mr. Sid Ahmed Musa Aleem, the Chairperson of the United Somali Community (USC) appreciated the services offered by East Africa Medical Center towards his people.
“I am very glad to be here today; this is a very beautiful grant to us through medical check-ups! On behalf of the Somali community and my own behalf, I thank the entire team of East Africa Medical Center for this opportunity.” – Mr. Sid Ahmed.

Since English language is still a challenge to some Somali community due to a number of factors, Ahmed proudly informed that East Africa Medical Center has medical specialists who speak mother tongue for the Somali people.
“I would like to also congratulate the Somali community now because if you have a language barrier, today it is gone. You will find here doctors who can speak your mother language which will guarantee effective communication.” – Mr. Sid Ahmed.
Interestingly, this mesmeric campaign led and organized by Mr. Abiselom Bahta, the General Director alongside Mr. Sid Ahmed, the United Somali Community (USC) and his deputy attracted more than 50 members from the Somali community around Kampala – Uganda.

While addressing the attendees, Mr. Abiselom promised high quality services to their utmost capabilities. Thus, invites members from the stated group to come in large numbers.

“We are granting services, including; medical surgery, delivery, dental care, laboratory check-ups, and other health related services.
We are inviting you all because we have decided to come and serve. We are planning to give a 5-days free check-up on: Malaria, Typhoid, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B and Full blood count with free consultation. Dr. Mahmud is available to help you in your mother tongue.” – Mr. Abiselom sated.